Every year, volunteers across Pinellas County partner with the Homeless Leadership Alliance of Pinellas for the Point in Time Count, which serves as a snapshot of Pinellas residents - adults and children alike - experiencing sheltered and unsheltered homelessness. This data is used to inform Local, State, and National policy, shaping how our community receives and uses resources.
We need you to volunteer for this year's Point in Time Count, taking place on January 27th, 2022. Shifts are 3-hours long and take place throughout Pinellas County. Volunteers must be 18+ and comfortable being deployed in the community. Be a community hero and sign up today!
Sign up to volunteer here: http://bit.ly/PinellasPIT
Training will be provided, so please don't hesitate to sign up if this is new to you! Volunteers will also receive a free t-shirt.