A guide to homeless resources in Pinellas County,
Sponsored by the Florida Department of Children and Families and Pinellas County Human Services
Click here to request assistance from the Homeless Leadership Alliance of Pinellas.
For referrals for housing, shelter, crisis intervention, health and community resources, or financial assistance contact First Contact (formerly 2-1-1 Tampa Bay Cares, Inc.) by dialing 211 or texting your zip code to 898211. Families must call to be screened for shelter placement. Referrals are based on availability.
Up-to-date mobile food pantry locations and hours can be found at Feeding Tampa Bay: www.FeedingTampaBay.org/FindFood.
To enroll in the Pinellas County Healthcare for the Homeless Program or view clinic / Mobile Medical Unit hours and locations, click here or call 727-453-7866.
Click here to view tropical storm / hurricane information and resources.
DISCLAIMER: Some listings in this guide may have changed after printing. Please call the service provider for new or additional information before visiting in person.
211: First Contact Emergency Shelter Referrals, Individual and Youth
➡ Phone: Call 211 or Text your zip code to 898211
➡ Website: https://211TampaBay.org
➡ Services: Call First Contact (211) for individual or youth emergency shelter referrals. Families with minor children experiencing unsheltered homelessness must call First Contact’s Homeless Helpline to be assessed for the mainstream shelter waitlist. Immediate placement is not guaranteed, and wait times vary.
Catholic Charities - Pinellas Hope
➡ Phone: 727-556-6397
➡ Website: www.PinellasHope.org
➡ Location: 1213 16th St. N., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Emergency shelter for adults. Meals, showers, clothing, and case management, Pinellas County School adult education, and workforce development available. Intakes on Tues; appointments required.
Family Resources SafePlace2B – Teens
➡ Website: https://FamilyResourcesInc.org/shelters
➡ Phone and Locations:
1615 Union St., Clearwater: 727-298-1607
3761 5th Ave. N, St. Petersburg: 727-893-1893
➡ Services: Short-term residential care and counseling for homeless and runaway youth (ages 10 – 17), as well as respite and intervention services for families in crisis. Follow-up counseling and stable living placement assistance provided. Walk-ins accepted; parents call for screenings. 24 hours/day.
Homeless Empowerment Program (HEP)
➡ Phone: 727-442-9041
➡ Website: www.HEPEmpowers.org
➡ Location: 1120 N. Betty Lane, Clearwater
➡ Services: Shelter available for adults (18+). Families with minor children should contact 2-1-1 to be added to the shelter waitlist. Placement into a family shelter until comes from the Shelter Prioritization List only.
Pinellas Safe Harbor
➡ Phone: 727-464-8058
➡ Website: www.PCSOWeb.com/pinellas-safe-harbor
➡ Location: 14840 49th St. N, Clearwater
➡ Services: Emergency shelter for Pinellas residents ages 18+. Shelter, 3 meals/day, clothing, and supportive services available. Walk-ins welcome.
Salvation Army – Emergency Shelter
➡ Phone: 727-230-1578
➡ Website: https://StPetersburg.SalvationArmyFlorida.org
➡ Location: 310 14th Ave. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Emergency shelter for adults and families; 3 meals/day (bagged lunch 12pm – 12:30pm); case management to help clients find permanent housing. Adults, call for openings. Families with minor kids, call First Contact (211). Family shelter placement is only through the Shelter Prioritization List.
St. Vincent de Paul – C.A.R.E. Center of Hope
➡ Phone: 727-896-3300
➡ Website: www.SVDPSP.org
➡ Location: 401 15th St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Shelter for adults (18+), Veterans, and families. New clients Mon – Thurs, 1pm – 4pm; enter on west side. Families with minor kids, call First Contact (211); family shelter placement is only through the Shelter Prioritization List. Food/clothing vouchers, utility assistance Mon, Weds, and Fri; showers; 3 meals/day; free personal storage available.
WestCare – Turning Point
➡ Phone: 727-823-7811
➡ Website: www.WestCare.com
➡ Location: 1801 5th Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Emergency shelter for unhoused adults 18+ with active substance abuse issues (used in the last 24 hours). Must attend daily classes. Family members not accepted. Appointment required.
Boley Centers
➡ Phone: 1-855-552-6539 ext. 2
➡ Website: www.boleycenters.org
➡ Location: 445 31st St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Provides programs for individuals with severe and persistent mental illnesses. Also offers employment assistance for adults through Vocational Rehabilitation and employment help through the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) for veterans who became homeless within the past 60 days.
Campbell Park Resource Center
➡ Phone: 727-280-6703
➡ Website: https://unitedwaysuncoast.org/what-we-do/neighborhood-programs/campbell-park/
➡ Location: 701 16th ST. S, Bldg. 7, St. Petersburg (Next to Johns Hopkins Middle School)
➡ Services: Career development by appointment only. Appointments available Mon - Fri from 10AM - 3PM.
CareerSource Pinellas
➡ Phone: 727-524-4344
➡ Website: www.CareerSourcePinellas.com
➡ Locations:
682 E Klosterman Rd., Tarpon Springs
2312 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd., Clearwater
5175 45th St. N., St. Petersburg
3420 8th Ave. S., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Offers virtual workshops and paid job training programs. Provides assistance with Food Stamps and Veterans’ benefits. All provides the following programs: Career One Stop (computer access, job search assistance, etc.), CONNECT (unemployment benefits application), and Ticket to Work program (for those with disabilities).
Directions for Living
➡ Phone: 727-524-4464
➡ Website: www.directionsforliving.org
➡ Location: 8823 115th Ave. N, Largo
➡ Services: Help accessing SSI/SSDI benefits for adults experiencing or at risk of homelessness and who have a mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder through SOAR program.
Florida Dream Center
➡ Phone: 727-851-9074
➡ Website: www.floridadreamcenter.org
➡ Location: 4017 56th Ave N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Work readiness training (communication, work, and interview skills), construction and carpentry classes, vocational rehab, and service referrals. 8am – 4pm Tues, Weds, Thurs, and Fri and 6am – 1pm Sat.
Hope Villages of America – The Express Center
➡ Phone: 727-584-3528
➡ Website: www.hopevillagesofamerica.org
➡ Location: 1048 22nd St. South, Room 103, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Offers hunger, homelessness, domestic violence, and basic need supports. Also offers services including resume building, job readiness training, job placement, service referrals, and more. Open Monday and Wednesday, 9AM- 1PM.
Learning Empowered
➡ Phone: 727-442-6881
➡ Website: www.learning-empowered.org
➡ Location: 6801 38th Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Centers for Early Learning (early childhood education for children experiencing or recovering from trauma), Children of the World Preschool (early childhood education for immigrants/refugees including integration services for adult family members), Ready to Rent (adult education for new renters or those with eviction records), Suncoast Citizenship Project (adult education for legal permanent residents who wish to become U.S. citizens)
Pinellas County Schools E-Learning Coaching
➡ Phone: 727-588-4816 ext. 2141
➡ Website: www.bit.ly/PCSFamilyELearning
➡ Services: Offers free computer services and education. Including assistance with Wi-Fi connections, email, and programs designed to help students at Pinellas County Schools. For assistance, submit an E-Learning technology support request through website link.
Pinellas County Schools HEAT Program
➡ Phone: 727- 507-4766
➡ Website: www.pcsb.org/Page/1579
➡ Location: 3815 43rd St. N., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Helps Pinellas County families with children and youth enrolled in Pinellas County Schools who are experiencing homelessness with school enrollment, support, removal of barriers in school, and transportation if displaced outside of school zone. HEAT representatives are at all schools, including charter schools.
Social Security Office
➡ Phone: 1-800-772-1213
➡ Website: www.ssa.gov
➡ Locations:
2340 Drew St., Clearwater
30 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. S., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Assistance with Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), and retirement benefits. Mask may be Required.
Adult Emergency Financial Assistance Program (AEFAP), First Contact
➡ Phone: Call 211 or Text your zip code to 898211
➡ Website: www.211tampabay.org/programs/adult-emergency-financial-assistance-program-aefap
➡ Services: Financial assistance for overdue rent and utilities for adults without minor children. Dial 211 or text your zip code to 898211.
Campbell Park Resource Center
➡ Phone: 727-280-6703
➡ Website: https://unitedwaysuncoast.org/what-we-do/neighborhood-programs/campbell-park/
➡ Location: 701 16th ST. S, Bldg. 7, St. Petersburg (Next to Johns Hopkins Middle School)
➡ Services: Emergency assistance with rent or utilities. Also offers services such as career development, legal assistance, notarizing, copying, and faxing, and help applying for SNAP, Food Stamps, Medicare, and Medicaid. Mon and Weds, 9am – 7pm; Tues and Thurs, 9am – 5pm; Fri appt only.
Catholic Charities
➡ Phone: 727-893-1313
➡ Website: www.ccdosp.org
➡ Location: 1213 16th St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Help with rent and utilities. Call for application instructions. Appointment only. Text 727-282-9218 for a link to an application.
Citizens Alliance for Progress
➡ Phone: 727-934-5881 ext.21
➡ Website: https://www.citizensallianceforprogress.org/
➡ Location: 401 E Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Offers utility bill assistance and support for families.
Daystar Life Center
➡ Phone: 727-825-0442
➡ Website: www.daystarlife.com
➡ Location: 1055 28th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Rent and utility bill assistance 9am – 3pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri.
Hope Villages of America - Housing Stability Services
➡ Phone: 727-446-5946
➡ Website: www.hopevillagesofamerica.org
➡ Location: 1552 South Myrtle Ave., Clearwater
➡ Services: Assistance with utility bills and rental payments may be available. Families with children should call for immediate screening.
Oldsmar Cares
➡ Phone: 813-415-7373
➡ Website: www.oldsmarcares.org
➡ Location: 149 State Rd. 580 W, Oldsmar
➡ Services: Help with rent and utility payments up to $200 for those who live in Oldsmar (zip code 34677). Bring ID and rental agreement or utility bill. Mon and Weds, 5:30pm – 7pm; Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat, 9am – 12pm.
Eleos Wellness (formerly Personal Enrichment through Mental Health Services - “PEMHS”)
➡ Phone: 727-545-6477
➡ Website: www.pemhs.org
➡ Location: 11254 58th St. N, Pinellas Park
➡ Services: Financial help for qualifying families with minor children. Help with rent, utilities, childcare, groceries, infant needs, counseling, transportation, education, jobs, and more.
Pinellas Opportunity Council
➡ Website: www.poc-inc.org
➡ Phone and Locations:
301 S. Disston Ave., Tarpon Springs, 727-937-9393
8384 Bayou Boardwalk, Largo, 727-202-6803
1035 Burlington Ave., St. Petersburg, 727-894-5176
501 1st Avenue N, Ste. 517, St. Petersburg 727-821-0584
➡ Services: Assistance with utilities, rent, or mortgage payments. Call to arrange phone interview for eligibility. Documents must be submitted online. Apply online at www.poc-inc.org.
Reach St. Pete
➡ Phone: 727-275-8655
➡ Website: www.reachstpete.org
➡ Services: Appointment required. Limited utility and rent assistance available for Pinellas County residents. Mon – Fri, 8:30am – 5pm.
Salvation Army – Clearwater and Upper Pinellas County
➡ Phone: 727-446-4177
➡ Website: www.salvationarmyflorida.org/clearwater
➡ Location: 1521 Druid Rd. E, Clearwater
➡ Services: Utility assistance for residents of North Pinellas County. Call to confirm eligibility. Hours 8:30AM - 12PM and 1PM - 3:30PM.
Salvation Army – St. Petersburg
➡ Phone: 727-541-7781
➡ Website: www.salvationarmyflorida.org/stpetersburg
➡ Location: 1400 4th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Limited funds available to assist with disconnection notices for utility, gas, and water. Must have ID. Call for appointment.
Salvation Army – Tarpon Springs
➡ Phone: 727-934-4476
➡ Website: www.salvationarmyflorida.org/clearwater
➡ Location: 209 S. Pinellas Ave., Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Utility assistance for residents of North Pinellas. Call to confirm eligibility.
St. Nicholas Cathedral – Philoptochos Society
➡ Phone: 727-944-3366
➡ Website: www.stnicholastarpon.org
➡ Location: 18 N. Hibiscus St., Tarpon Springs (behind the cathedral)
➡ Services: Help with rent and utilities. Applications available outside office door.
St. Petersburg Free Clinic – We Help Services
➡ Phone: 727-821-1200
➡ Website: www.stpetersburgfreeclinic.org
➡ Location: 863 3rd Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Assists clients with water bill once a year.
Bayside Health Clinic, Health Care for the Homeless (HCH)
➡ Phone: 727-453-7866
➡ Website: www.pinellascounty.org/humanservices/hch.htm
➡ Locations: 8751 Ulmerton Rd, Largo (temporary address) 14808 49th St., Clearwater (closed during construction)
➡ Services: Free dental services Pinellas Health Care for the Homeless participants. Referral from Mobile Medical Unit or Bayside Clinic required. Mon – Thurs, 8am – 8pm; Fri, 8am – 5pm; and Sat, 8am – 12pm. Enroll at https://pinellas.gov/programs/health-care-for-the-homeless-program.
Community Dental Clinic
➡ Phone: (727) 216-6155
➡ Website: www.communitydentalclinic.net
➡ Location: 1008 Woodlawn St., Clearwater
➡ Services: Basic and urgent dental care at no cost for uninsured adults (18+) under 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. Call to find out if you are eligible for service. Appointments required. Monday – Friday from 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Homeless Empowerment Program (HEP) – Dental Clinic
➡ Phone: (727)442-9041
➡ Website: www.hepempowers.org
➡ Location: 1120 N. Betty Lane, Clearwater
➡ Services: Dental care for adults (18+). Referral from the Clearwater Free Clinic (727-447-3041) or Pinellas County Health Department healthcare programs is required. Services are also available for HEP emergency shelter guests.
Department of Health (DOH) Pinellas Locations
➡ Website: www.PinellasHSapp.org
➡ Phone and Locations:
301 S. Disston Ave., Tarpon Springs, 727-942-5457
310 N. Myrtle Ave., Clearwater, 727-469-5800
8751 Ulmerton Rd., Largo, 727-524-4410
6350 76th Ave. N, Pinellas Park, 727-547-7780
205 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. N, St. Petersburg, 727-824-6900
➡ Services: Dental and other healthcare for Pinellas County residents and other non-county funded programs. Call 727-464-4200 to get help applying for Pinellas County Health Program (PCHP) or apply online.
St. Petersburg Free Clinic Health Center
➡ Phone: 727-327-0333
➡ Website: www.stpetersburgfreeclinic.org
➡ Location: 5501 4th St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Medical and dental care for people ages 19-64 who are below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level with no medical insurance. Appointments required. Mon – Fri, 9am – 4pm.
Bay Pines VA Healthcare System
➡ Phone: 727-398-6661
➡ Website: www.va.gov/bay-pines-health-care
➡ Location: 10000 Bay Pines Blvd., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Medical, dental, mental health services, and more for Veterans.
Bayside Health Clinic, Health Care for the Homeless (HCH)
➡ Phone: 727-453-7866
➡ Website: www.pinellascounty.org/humanservices/hch.htm
➡ Locations: 8751 Ulmerton Rd, Largo (temporary address) 14808 49th St., Clearwater (closed during construction)
➡ Services: Comprehensive wellness and prevention services, annual physicals, cancer screenings, and nutrition counseling, prescriptions, behavioral health screening and referrals, case management, specialty care, dental services, and primary medical care with lab work and necessary tests.
Health Care for the Homeless (HCH)
➡ Phone: 727-453-7866
➡ Website: https://pinellas.gov/programs/health-care-for-the-homeless-program.
➡ Locations: 8751 Ulmerton Rd, Largo (temporary address) 14808 49th St., Clearwater (closed during construction)
➡ Services: Basic medical care for unhoused individuals in Pinellas County. Walk-ins welcome. Mon – Thurs, 8am – 8pm; Fri, 8am – 5pm; Sat, 8am – 12pm.
Clearwater Free Clinic
➡ Phone: 727-447-3041
➡ Website: www.clearwaterfreeclinic.org
➡ Location: 1218 Court Street, Clearwater, FL 33756
➡ Services: Healthcare for low-income, uninsured Pinellas residents under 65, north of Park Blvd. Services include office visits, medications, lab work and x-rays, behavioral health, pediatrics, eye care, women’s care, diabetic care, physical therapy, patient education, specialty referrals, and ENT Program. Mon – Thurs, 8:30am – 6pm.
Empath Health
➡ Phone: 727-467-7423
➡ Website: www.empathhealth.org
➡ Location: 5771 Roosevelt Blvd., Clearwater
➡ Services: Services such as personal care, grief services, HIV and sexual wellness, senior care, medical services, pharmacy, and hospice care.
Empath Partners In Care (EPIC)
➡ Phone: 727-328-3260
➡ Website: www.myepic.org
➡ Locations:
300 49th St. S., St. Petersburg (Sexual Health Center)
3050 1st Ave. S., St. Petersburg
5771 Roosevelt Blvd., Clearwater
➡ Services: Services such as HIV testing, care, and education; PrEP; medical case management; counseling; LGBTQIA+ services; and pharmacy.
Metro Inclusive Health
➡ Website: www.metrotampabay.org
➡ Phone and Locations:
18167 US Highway 19 N, Ste. 150, Clearwater, 727-220-0550
11201 Corporate Cir. N, Ste. 140, 727-321-3854
➡ Services: Offers HIV, HCV, and STI testing as well as primary care, pediatrics, PrEP & nPEP, Hormone Replacement Therapy, acupuncture, vaccines, HIV specialty care behavioral health. Transportation provided for eligible clients. TeleHealth available. To reach an On-Call Provider for non-emergent medical concerns after business hours, call 727-308-7419.
Pinellas County Health Program (PCHP) - Pinellas County Human Services
➡ Phone: 727-464-4200
➡ Website: www.PinellasHSapp.org
➡ Locations:
2189 Cleveland St., Ste. 230, Clearwater
647 1st Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Assistance applying and qualifying for County programs, including Pinellas County Health Program (PCHP) and Health Care for the Homeless (HCH).
Pinellas County Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) - Health Care for the Homeless (HCH)
➡ Phone: 727-432-4763
➡ Website: www.PinellasCounty.org/HumanServices
➡ Services: Visits Pinellas homeless service providers: view calendar / enroll at https://pinellas.gov/programs/health-care-for-the-homeless-program. Low-income, uninsured, unhoused Pinellas HCH participants receive preventative and primary care, specialty care, prescriptions, inpatient/outpatient care, behavioral health, and referrals for dental services. Walk-ins welcome. Telehealth available.
St. Petersburg VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic
➡ Phone: 727-502-1700
➡ Website: https://www.va.gov/bay-pines-health-care/locations/st-petersburg-va-clinic/
➡ Location: 840 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Clinic healthcare for Veterans.
Tarpon Springs Shepherd Center
➡ Phone: 727-939-1400
➡ Website: www.tscenter.org
➡ Location: 304 Pinellas Ave. S, Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Provides referrals and information for health services. Call and choose the Outreach Department option.
Willa Carson Health and Wellness Center
➡ Phone: 727-467-9411
➡ Website: www.willacarson.org
➡ Location: 1108 Martin Luther King Avenue, Clearwater
➡ Services: Non-emergency primary healthcare and education for children and families. Tues – Fri, 9am – 5pm.
24/7 National Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Association Helpline (SAMHSA Helpline)
➡ Phone: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Caring Community Counseling
➡ Phone: 727-367-2273
➡ Website: https://caringcounseling.org/ ➡ Location: 3840 5th Ave N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Provides a comprehensive range of mental health services, including counseling, psychosocial rehabilitation, targeted case management, assessments, telehealth, psychiatric services, youth services, art therapy, and therapeutic supervised visitation. Mon – Sat, 9am – 7pm.
National Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
➡ Website: www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline
➡ Services: Provides a Free, confidential information (English and Spanish), open 24/365 for individuals and family members facing mental health or substance use disorders. Provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Visit https://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/ to find treatment facilities.
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
➡ Phone: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) / Call or Text 988
➡ Website: SuicidePreventionLifeline.org/chat
➡ Services: The Lifeline provides 24/7, free, confidential support, prevention, and crisis resources for people in distress or their loved ones. https://988lifeline.org/chat/
Bay Pines VA Mental Health Services
➡ Phone: 727-398-6661 ext. 15619
➡ Website: www.va.gov/bay-pines-health-care/health-services/mental-health-care
➡ Location: 10000 Bay Pines Blvd., Bay Pines - Bldg. 111, Room 1B – 116
➡ Services: Mental health services for Veterans.
Clearwater VA Center
➡ Phone: 727-549-3600
➡ Website: www.va.gov/find-locations/facility/vc_0339V
➡ Location: 29259 US Hwy 19 N., Clearwater
➡ Services: Individual and group counseling for Veterans, service members, and families. Counseling and referrals for grief, military sexual trauma, substance abuse, and VA services; community outreach and education.
Directions for Living
➡ Phone: 727-524-4464
➡ Website: www.directionsforliving.org
➡ Location: 1437 S. Belcher Rd., Clearwater
➡ Services: Individual, family, and couples counseling for unhoused individuals; linkage to care coordination and psychiatric services. Other services: adult, children, group therapy; case management; testing; pharmacy; certified recovery peer specialist services; Early Childhood Consultation (ECC), and court-ordered outpatient mental health treatment.
Family Resources Youth and Family Counseling
➡ Website: www.familyresourcesinc.org
➡ Phone and Locations:
1615 Union St., Clearwater, 727-298-3900
3831 5th Ave. N, St. Petersburg, 727-552-1010
➡ Services: Individual and family counseling for youth, ages 6-17. Free for many. Call for an appointment.
Empath Partners In Care (EPIC)
➡ Phone: 727-328-3260
➡ Website: https://myepic.org/counseling-2/
➡ Locations:
300 49th St. S., St. Petersburg (Sexual Health Center)
3050 1st Ave. S., St. Petersburg
5771 Roosevelt Blvd., Clearwater
➡ Services: Mental health services for the LGBTQIA+ community
Metro Inclusive Health
➡ Website: www.metrotampabay.org
➡ Phone and Locations:
3251 3rd Ave N, St. Petersburg, 727-321-3854
➡ Services: Virtual and in-person individual, group, couples, and family counseling; support groups and Teletherapy available. To reach an on-call provider for non-emergent medical concerns after hours, call 727-308-7419.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Pinellas County Information and Resource Helpline
➡ Phone: 727-791-3434 or 1-800-950-NAMI
➡ Website: www.nami-pinellas.org
➡ Services: Information, referrals, and support for people living with mental health conditions, family, and providers. Call, text “Helpline” to 62640, or email helpline@nami.org Mon – Fri, 10am – 10pm.
Eleos Wellness (formerly Personal Enrichment through Mental Health Services - “PEMHS”)
➡ Phones: 727-545-6477
24-Hour Suicide Hotline: 727-791-3131
24-Hour Mental Health Assistance: 727-541-4628
Mobile Crisis Response Team: 727-362-4424
➡ Website: www.pemhs.org
➡ Location: 11254 58th St. N, Pinellas Park
➡ Services: Immediate evaluation for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis regardless of age, 24/7. Evaluation and assessment, safety and crisis plan, facilitating stabilization services, supportive crisis counseling, education, coping skills, linkage to resources, telehealth services, psychiatric care, system navigation, wellness activities and validation.
Suncoast Center for Community Mental Health
➡ Phone: 727-388-1220
Sexual Assault Services Helpline: 727-530-7273
Suicide Lifeline: 988
➡ Website: www.suncoastcenter.org
➡ Locations:
4010 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg
4024 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg
2188 58th Street North, Clearwater
2960 Roosevelt Blvd., Clearwater
2455 N. McMullen Booth Rd., Clearwater
➡ Services: Treatment plans for emotional wellness, substance abuse, and trauma counseling; children’s advocacy, early childhood, school-based, and sexual assault services; support groups; suicide prevention; and case management. View locations at www.SuncoastCenter.org/contact-us.
Tarpon Springs Shepherd Center
➡ Phone: 727-939-1400 ext. 417 or 419
➡ Website: www.tscenter.org
➡ Location: 304 Pinellas Ave. S, Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Mental health counseling for adults and children. Intakes and assessments to determine suitability for program. No medication management. Referrals to resources for other needs. Call and choose the Outreach Department option.
VA Call Center for Homeless Veterans
➡ Phone: 877-4AID-VET (424-3838)
➡ Website: www.va.gov/homeless
➡ Services: Veterans who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness can call or chat online with trained counselors 24/7 at www.va.gov/homeless. Friends and family may also call on behalf of Veteran.
Veterans Crisis Line
➡ Phone: 988 (press 1) or Text 838255
➡ Website: www.VeteransCrisisLine.net
➡ Services: Serves Veterans, service members, National Guard and Reserve members, and Veteran families 24/7. Callers don't have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to connect. www.VeteransCrisisLine.net.
Vincent House
➡ Phone: 727-541-0321
➡ Website: https://vincenthouse.org/
➡ Location: 4801 78th Ave. N, Pinellas Park
➡ Services: Services for individuals with mental illnesses, including employment, job search assistance and readiness training, technology access, community-based educational resources, crisis intervention, and more.
Windmoor Healthcare
➡ Phone: 727-594-7273
➡ Website: www.windmoor.com
➡ Location: 11300 U.S. Hwy. 19 N, Clearwater
➡ Services: Psychiatric and chemical dependency services; inpatient, outpatient, crisis stabilization, aftercare services, older adults, military, professional referrals, baker act. 24/7 admissions. Call for availability.
24/7 National Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Association Helpline
➡ Phone: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
➡ Website: www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline
➡ Services: Free, confidential, 24/7 referrals, information, and resources for mental health and/or substance use disorders (English and Spanish).
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 12-Step Meetings
➡ Phones: 727-333-7118 or 317-410-9712
24/7 Helpline: 727-530-0415
➡ Website: www.aapinellas.org
➡ Location: 12300 Seminole Blvd. #2, Largo
➡ Services: View schedule of in-person and online meetings at www.aapinellas.org. Volunteers can accompany those in need to meetings.
Clearwater VA Center
➡ Phone: 727-549-3600
➡ Website: www.va.gov/find-locations/facility/vc_0339V
➡ Location: 29259 US Hwy 19 N., Clearwater
➡ Services: Substance abuse treatment and referral, as well as other VA service referrals for Veterans, service members, and families.
Operation PAR – Largo Campus
➡ Phone: 1-888-727-6398
➡ Website: www.operationpar.org
➡ Location: 13800 66th St. N., Largo
➡ Services: Residential and outpatient treatment for substance abuse and mental health disorders, parenting classes, daycare center, case management, and wrap-around services.
People Empowering and Restoring Communities (PERC)
➡ Phone: 1-855-505-7372 or 727-954-3993
➡ Website: www.exoffender.org
➡ Locations:
1601 16th St. S, St. Petersburg
1200 S. Pinellas Ave., Ste. 8, Tarpon Springs
12810 U.S. Hwy. 19 N, Clearwater
➡ Services: Provides outpatient substance abuse treatment, batterer's intervention, anger management, and sex offender treatment classes, along with general and complex case management.
WestCare - Davis Bradley CIC
➡ Phone: 844-784-1599
➡ Website: www.westcare.com
➡ Location: 1735 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Outpatient, inpatient, aftercare support, sober living homes, and 12-step programs available.
WestCare – Turning Point
➡ Phone: 727-823-7811
➡ Website: www.westcare.com
➡ Location: 1801 5th Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Intervention and detox shelter and services for the homeless with substance use issues. Shelter accepts inebriated adults directly from the street. Supportive services include referrals to other area agencies.
Windmoor Healthcare
➡ Phone: 727-594-7273
➡ Website: www.windmoor.com
➡ Location: 11300 U.S. Hwy. 19 N, Clearwater
➡ Services: Psychiatric and chemical dependency services; inpatient, outpatient, crisis stabilization, aftercare services, older adults, military, professional referrals, baker act. 24/7 admissions. Call ahead.
Alpha House
➡ Phone: 727-822-8190
➡ Website: www.alphahousepinellas.org
➡ Locations: 701 5th Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Transitional housing for unhoused women / teens pregnant or with an infant under 1. Counseling, case management, life skills, vocational assistance. 1 parent and 1 child only. Tues and Thurs, 9am – 4pm.
Boley Centers
➡ Phone: 727-821-4819
➡ Website: www.boleycenters.org
➡ Location: 445 31st St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Permanent supportive housing for eligible individuals and families (group homes, HUD subsidized apartments and supported housing, Boley rentals, vouchers, safe havens, tenant-based rental vouchers).
Catholic Charities
➡ Phone: 727-893-1313 or 727-344-1611
➡ Website: www.CCDOSP.org
➡ Location: 6363 9th Ave. N., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Pinellas Hope Apartments: 156 Permanent Supportive Housing units for homeless adults; includes case management.
Clearwater Housing Authority
➡ Phone: 727 461-5777
➡ Website: www.clearwaterhousingauth.org
➡ Location: 28050 US Hwy 19 N., Ste 103, Clearwater
➡ Services: Public housing and subsidized rental opportunities, call for information.
Community Action Stops Abuse (CASA)
➡ Phones:
24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 727-895-4912
TTY: 727-828-1269
➡ Website: www.CASAPinellas.org
➡ Location: 1011 1st Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Rapid rehousing, transitional housing, and other services for survivors of domestic violence. www.CASAPinellas.org/chat.
Home Share Pinellas
➡ Phone: 727-945-1528
➡ Website: www.homesharepinellas.org
➡ Location: 500 S. Walton Ave., Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Permanent rental housing with homeowners who have a room for rent.
Homeless Empowerment Program (HEP)
➡ Phone: 727-442-9041
➡ Website: www.hepempowers.org
➡ Location: 1120 N. Betty Lane, Clearwater
➡ Services: Housing and support services for unhoused and low-income families and individuals. Mon – Fri, 8:30am – 5pm by referral only (no walk-ins).
Hope Villages of America – Goldsmith Gardens
➡ Phones: 727-446-5964
➡ Website: www.hopevillagesofamerica.org
➡ Location: 1552 South Myrtle Ave., Clearwater
➡ Services: Emergency housing assistance and case management for individuals and families. 1-year lease; renters pay ~30% of income in rent. 24 Hour Crisis Hotline: (727) 442-4128
Hope Villages of America – Housing Stability Services
➡ Website: www.hopevillagesofamerica.org
➡ Location: 700 Druid Rd, Clearwater, FL 33756
➡ Services: Affordable housing for Hope Villages of America clients. 1-year lease; renters pay ~30% of income. Families with children, call for screening or contact at info@hopevillagesofamerica.org for more information. Business Hours Mon - Fri: 9AM-4PM Saturday: 8AM - 6PM
The Haven Outreach
➡ Phone: 727-441-2029 ext. 202 ➡ Services: Emergency Safe House. Confidential services for people experiencing domestic violence or human trafficking. Safety planning, relocation assistance, legal advocacy, case management, and youth assistance.
The Haven Foodbank
➡ Phone: 727-443-4031
➡ Location: 700 Druid Road, Clearwater
➡ Services: Food Distribution Hours: Monday – Friday from 12:30pm – 3:30pm with extended hours on Thursday until 6:30pm
Kimberly Home Pregnancy Resource Center
➡ Phone: 727-443-0471
➡ Website: www.kimberlyhome.org
➡ Location: 1189 NE Cleveland St., Clearwater
➡ Services: Transitional housing for pregnant / new moms age 18+ who are or are at risk of homelessness. Mon-Weds, Fri 9AM-4PM; Thurs 12PM-7PM.
Pinellas County Housing Authority
➡ Phone: 727-443-7684
➡ Website: www.pinellashousing.com
➡ Location: 11479 Ulmerton Rd., Largo
➡ Services: Public housing and subsidized rental opportunities, call for information.
People Empowering and Restoring Communities (PERC)
➡ Phone: 1-855-505-7372 or 727-954-3993
➡ Website: www.exoffender.org
➡ Locations:
1601 16th St. S, St. Petersburg
1200 S. Pinellas Ave., Ste. 8, Tarpon Springs
12810 U.S. Hwy. 19 N, Clearwater
➡ Services: Transitional housing, permanent housing, case management, employment assistance, and returning citizen support.
Salvation Army – Hope Crest Transitional Living Center
➡ Phone: 727-446-4177
➡ Website: www.salvationarmyflorida.org/clearwater
➡ Location: 1521 E. Druid Rd., Clearwater
➡ Services: Transitional living center for single mothers with minor children enrolled fulltime in school. Weekdays 8:30AM–12PM, 1PM–4:30PM.
St. Petersburg Free Clinic – Baldwin Women’s Residence
➡ Phone: 727-821-3894
➡ Website: www.stpetersburgfreeclinic.org/womens-recovery-residence
➡ Location: 814 4th Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Transitional housing for women 18 – 61 in recovery with 1+ months sobriety. Must be willing to follow the 12-step recovery philosophy and have no violent or sexual criminal offenses. Call for appointment.
St. Petersburg Free Clinic – Beacon House, Men’s Shelter
➡ Phone: 727-823-5780
➡ Website: www.stpetersburgfreeclinic.org/mens-recovery-residence
➡ Location: 3825 28th St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Transitional housing for men in recovery 18 - 61 with 1+ months sobriety who are employable with no violent or sexual criminal offenses. Must follow 12-step recovery philosophy. Call for appointment.
St. Petersburg Housing Authority
➡ Phone: 727-323-3171
➡ Website: www.stpeteha.org
➡ Location: 2001 Gandy Blvd. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Public housing and subsidized rental opportunities, call for information.
St. Vincent de Paul CARES – Center of Hope
➡ Phone: 727-896-3300
➡ Website: www.svdpsp.org/programs/homeless-services/center-of-hope
➡ Location: 401 15th St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Transitional housing for unhoused Veterans and families. Veterans may walk-in; others require referral from 2-1-1. Intakes Mon – Fri, 10am – 2pm; no intakes on holidays. Enter on east side of building.
Tarpon Springs Housing Authority
➡ Phone: 727-937-4411
➡ Website: www.tarponspringshousing.com
➡ Location: 500 S. Walton Ave., Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Public housing and subsidized rental opportunities, call Mon-Thurs.
Vincent House
➡ Phone: 727-541-0321
➡ Website: https://vincenthouse.org/
➡ Location: 4801 78th Ave. N, Pinellas Park
➡ Services: Services for individuals with mental illnesses, including employment, job search assistance and readiness training, technology access, community-based educational resources, crisis intervention, and more.
WestCare – Mustard Seed Inn
➡ Phone: 727-490-6769
➡ Website: www.westcare.com
➡ Location: 2510 Central Ave., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Transitional housing for unhoused adults in recovery.
Daystar Life Center
➡ Phone: 727-825-0442
➡ Website: www.daystarlife.com
➡ Location: 1055 28th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Assists clients in obtaining identification in the form of Florida ID, a driver’s license, or birth certificate. Also provides a mailing address for the homeless.
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
➡ Phone: 727-464-7777
➡ Website: www.flhsmv.gov
➡ Locations:
1663 Gulf to Bay Blvd., Clearwater
29399 US-19 N. #100, Clearwater
13025 Starkey Rd., Largo
2500 34th St. N., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Driver License and Motor Vehicle services
Florida Birth Certificate Requests ➡ Phone: 904-359-6900
➡ Website: www.FloridaHealth.gov/certificates/certificates/birth
➡ Services: Order a Florida Birth Certificate.
Salvation Army – St. Petersburg - One Stop Resource Center
➡ Phone: 727-822-4954
➡ Website: www.salvationarmyflorida.org/stpetersburg
➡ Location: 1400 4th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Mail services, ServicePoint IDs, computers, and phone use. Weekly civil legal assistance, job application assistance and training, and more.
St. Petersburg Free Clinic – We Help Services
➡ Phone: 727-823-3471
➡ Website: www.stpetersburgfreeclinic.org
➡ Location: 863 3rd Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Assists clients with obtaining ID.
Tarpon Springs Shepherd Center
➡ Phone: 727-939-1400
➡ Website: www.tscenter.org
➡ Location: 304 Pinellas Ave. S, Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Offers ID and mail services.
Bay Area Legal Services
➡ Website: www.bals.org
➡ Phone and Locations: 800-625-2257
800 Drew St., Clearwater (Volunteer Lawyers Program)
4948 Central Ave., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Legal assistance for low-income persons for civil cases including domestic violence, family law, Veterans’ services, housing, foreclosure, and consumer affairs.
Community Law Program (CLP)
➡ Phone: 727-582-7480
➡ Website: www.lawprogram.org
➡ Location: 501 1st Ave. N, Suite 519, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Legal assistance for low-income persons for civil cases: advice, community counsel, guardian advocacy. Pinellas Eviction Diversion Program helps qualified tenants and landlords impacted by COVID-19.
Pinellas Eviction Diversion Program (PEDP)
➡ Phone: 727-582-7475
➡ Website: www.pinellasevictiondiversion.org
➡ Location: 501 1st Ave. N, Suite 519, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Assists qualifying Pinellas residents with landlord/tenant-related issues, including eviction diversion. Helps seniors protect their homes from foreclosure. Appointments required.
Gulfcoast Legal Services
➡ Phone: 727-821-0726
➡ Website: www.gulfcoastlegal.org
➡ Location: 501 1st Ave. N., Ste. 420, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Legal help for low-income persons for civil cases: Elder Law/Senior Services, Mortgage Foreclosure, Predatory Lending, Domestic Violence, Family Law, Consumer Matters, Scams, Immigration/Human Trafficking, SSI/SSD, Public Benefits, Unemployment, and Homelessness.
Metro Inclusive Health
➡ Phone: 727-321-3854
➡ Website: www.metrotampabay.org
➡ Location: 11201 Corporate Cir. N, Ste. 140, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Help securing attorneys for free legal advice. Call for appointment.
Public Defender Sixth Judicial Circuit
➡ Phone: 727-464-6516
➡ Website: www.flpd6.gov
➡ Location: 14250 49th St. N., Clearwater
➡ Services: Assists in withdrawing warrants for failure to appear for local ordinance violations and default or contempt of court hearings, consolidating court fines/costs, converting fines to community service, and providing services to the homeless, such as transportation and referrals to community programs. Regularly visits Salvation Army at 4th St. S., St. Pete; Pinellas Hope Village; Suncoast Haven of Rest Rescue Mission; St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen – Center of Hope; St. Vincent de Paul in St. Pete; Turning Point; Pinellas Safe Harbor; and William’s Park.
LGBTQIA+ Services
Empath Partners in Care (EPIC)
➡ Phone: 727-328-3260
➡ Phone: www.myepic.org/lgbtq-services
➡ Locations:
300 49th St. S, St. Petersburg (Sexual Health Center)
3050 1st Ave. S, St. Petersburg
5771 Roosevelt Blvd., Clearwater
➡ Services: Mental health services; HIV testing, care, and education; pharmacy; medical case management; counseling; PrEP; linkage to care and advocacy; social events.
LGBT National Help Center Hotline
➡ Phone: 888-843-4564
➡ Website: https://www.lgbthotline.org/national-hotline
➡ Services: Confidential peer-support, information, and local resources for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, available Mon - Fri, 4pm - midnight and Sat 12pm - 5pm.
LGBT National Help Center Youth Talkline
➡ Phone: 888-246-7743
➡ Website: https://www.lgbthotline.org/youth-talkline
➡ Services: Confidential peer-support, information, and local resources for LGBTQIA+ youth, available Mon - Fri, 4pm - midnight and Sat 12pm - 5pm.
LGBT National Help Center Senior Hotline
➡ Phone: 888-234-7243
➡ Website: https://www.lgbthotline.org/senior-hotline
➡ Services: Confidential peer-support, information, and local resources for LGBTQIA+ seniors, available Mon - Fri, 4pm - midnight and Sat 12pm - 5pm.
LGBT National Help Center Coming Out Support Line
➡ Phone: 888-688-5428 (888-OUT-LGBT)
➡ Website: https://www.lgbthotline.org/coming-out-hotline
➡ Services: Confidential peer-support, information, and local resources for members of the LGBTQIA+ community who are “coming out,” available Mon - Fri, 4pm - midnight and Sat 12pm - 5pm.
Metro Inclusive Health
➡ Website: www.metrotampabay.org
➡ Phone and Locations:
18167 US Hwy. 19 N, Ste. 150, Clearwater, 727-220-0550
3251 3rd Ave N, St. Petersburg, 727-321-3854
➡ Services: LGBTQIA+ programs including Health Center, events, and support groups for all ages. Healthcare including HIV, HCV, and STI testing; primary care; pediatrics; PrEP; nPEP; HIV specialty care; Hormone Replacement Therapy; TeleHealth; vaccines; acupuncture; behavioral health; and counseling for LGBTQIA+ youth. Transportation for eligible clients; linkage to re-entry programs. For non-emergent concerns after business hours, call 727-308-7419.
Trans Lifeline
➡ Phone: 877-565-8860
➡ Website: www.TransLifeline.org
➡ Services: Emotional and financial support for members of the trans community.
Youth Improvement Services
➡ Phone: 727-201-0724
➡ Website: www.YouthImprovement.org
➡ Services: Emergency housing focused on LGBTQIA+, immigrant, and minority youth ages 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness. Shelter, life skills training, workforce readiness training, and financial literacy training.
Celebrate Outreach
➡ Phone: 727-300-4026
➡ Website: www.celebrateoutreach.org
➡ Locations: Vary
➡ Services: Locations and times vary. For information, call or email info@CelebrateOutreach.org or see “recurring events” under calendar tab on website.
Peace Café First United Methodist Church of Clearwater
➡ Phone: 727-446-5955
➡ Website: www.fumc-clw.com
➡ Location: 411 Turner St., Clearwater
➡ Services: Warm meals served Sun, Mon, and Thurs from 4:15pm – 5:45pm.
People That Love Mission – Emergency Help
➡ Phone: 727-820-0775
➡ Website: www.peoplethatlove.com
➡ Location: 817 5th Ave. N., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Brown bag lunch offered Mon – Fri, 10:45am – 2pm.
Salvation Army – St. Petersburg & South Pinellas County
➡ Phone: 727-550-8080
➡ Website: https://SalvationArmyFlorida.org/StPetersburg
➡ Location: 310 14th Ave. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Lunch for the public daily 12pm – 12:30pm. No ID required.
St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church – Sarah’s Tent
➡ Phone: 727-937-3503
➡ Website: http://www.mylutheran.com/outreachatsttimothy.html
➡ Location: 812 E. Tarpon Ave., Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Hot lunch served indoors every Thursday from 10:30-11:30.
St. Vincent de Paul Community Kitchen & Resource Center
➡ Phone: 727-441-3790
➡ Website: www.svdpclearwaterfl.org
➡ Location: 1345 Park St., Clearwater
➡ Services: Provides a hot meal 7 days/week from 8AM – 10AM.
The Shepherd Center, Tarpon Springs Community Kitchen
➡ Phone: 727-939-1400
➡ Website: www.tscenter.org/community-kitchens
➡ Location: 304 Pinellas Ave. S, Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Meals served Sun, 1pm – 2pm and Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri, and Sat from 11am – 12pm
The Burg Community Table
➡ Website: www.facebook.com/theburgcommunitytable
➡ Locations: Vary throughout St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Meals, adult clothing, toiletries, and miscellaneous items Sundays from 11AM – 3PM. See website for locations and times.
Trinity Café, Feeding Pinellas Empowerment Center
➡ Phone: 813-710-6269
➡ Website: www.feedingtampabay.org/feeding-pinellas/feeding-pinellas-empowerment-center
➡ Location: 6330 54th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33709 (Northwest Church)
➡ Services: A restaurant providing complete lunch service. Mon – Fri, 11:30am – 12:30pm
Daystar Life Center
➡ Phone: 727-825-0442
➡ Website: www.daystarlife.com
➡ Location: 1055 28th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Assists travelers who arrive in Pinellas County and who have become stranded. Must be able to provide proof of plans.
Directions for Living
➡ Phone: 727-524-4464
➡ Website: www.directionsforliving.org
➡ Location: 1437 S. Belcher Rd., Clearwater
➡ Services: Early Childhood Consultation (ECC), training on behavior, discipline, and social/emotional development for parents of children ages 0-5.
Disability Achievement Center
➡ Phone: 727-539-7550
➡ Website: https://www.mydacil.org/
➡ Location: 12552 Belcher Rd. S. Largo
➡ Services: Direct support for hunger, homelessness, domestic violence, and basic needs. Services include meal ingredients, hygiene products, referrals, job readiness training and placement, clothing and furniture vouchers, benefit assistance, assistance securing medical equipment, independent living training, and more.
Helping Hands Food Pantry
➡ Phone: 727-724-1290
➡ Website: www.countrysidecares.com
➡ Services: Life Skills development available for individuals frequently using Helping Hands food pantry to increase income, finish school, find stable housing, manage finances, learn parenting skills, and more. Drive-thru pantry in North Pinellas. For an up-to-date schedule, visit www.facebook.com/CountrysideCares.
Hope Villages of America – The Express Center
➡ Phone: 727-584-3528
➡ Website: www.hopevillagesofamerica.org
➡ Location: 1048 22nd St. South, Room 103, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Support related to hunger, homelessness, domestic violence, and basic needs. Services include meal ingredients, hygiene products, referrals, job readiness training and placement, clothing and furniture vouchers, benefit assistance, and more. Call for appointment.
Mattie Williams Neighborhood Family Center
➡ Phone: 727-791-8255
➡ Website: https://mwnfc.org/about-us/
➡ Location: 1003 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St N., Safety Harbor
➡ Services: The Center offers a range of supportive programs and services catering to low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5, including nutritious food, guidance on healthy eating habits, and referrals to healthcare resources. Additionally, it extends assistance to families facing temporary challenges across various areas, encompassing Critical Basic Needs, Family Support Services; Youth Programs and Services; Career Development and Adult Education initiatives.
Humane Society Pet Food Pantry
➡ Phone: 727-797-7722 ext. 227
➡ Website: www.humanesocietyofpinellas.org/pet-food
➡ Location: 3040 SR 590, Clearwater (Palestra Bldg)
➡ Services: Free pet food Weds, 11am-2pm; Thurs 11am-5pm; Sat 11am-2pm on an emergency or short-term basis; long-term assistance available if unemployed, disabled, or receiving government assistance. Must complete Client Profile Form. Proof of unemployment, disability, or government assistance required after 3 months.
St. Vincent de Paul – C.A.R.E. Center
➡ Phone: 727-710-3216
➡ Website: www.SVDPSP.org
➡ Location: 401 15th St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Free storage for personal items. Other services available.
Southern Supportive Services
➡ Phone: 727-642-5143
➡ Website: https://southernsupportiveservices.org/
➡ Locations: 2400 15th Ave. S, St. Petersburg (Intake Office) 1655 16th St. S, St. Petersburg (Food Pantry)
➡ Services: Computer access daily, 9:30am - 5:30pm. Other services available.
Abundant Life Ministries (ALM)
➡ Phone: 727-210-5433
➡ Website: www.alm.tv
➡ Location: 1550 S. Belcher Rd., Largo
➡ Services: Food pantry Sat, 8am – 10am; walk-ups welcome.
Bay Area Pregnancy Center
➡ Website: www.MyBAPC.com
➡ Phone and Locations:
2380 Drew St., Ste. 6, Clearwater, 727-449-1988
5812 150th Ave., Clearwater (Highpoint Neighborhood Family Center), 727-200-9165
4020 58th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, 727-200-9166
➡ Services: Appointment required. Food, supplemental formula, diapers, wipes, other baby items for BAPC clients. Help with clothing for infants and children up to 5 years old. Clients can access maternity clothes.
Clearview United Methodist Church (UMC)
➡ Phone: 727-522-4673
➡ Website: https://clearviewumc.org/
➡ Location: 4515 38th Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Food pantry Sat, 9am – 12pm at Pavilion Field.
Clothes To Kids
➡ Phone: 727-441-5050
➡ Website: www.ClothesToKids.org
➡ Locations:
1059 N. Hercules Ave., Clearwater
2168 34th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Clothing (including uniforms) for Pinellas low-income or in-crisis kids (grades K-12) with proof of eligibility. Clothing pickup twice/year max. Call or go online for appointment.
Daystar Life Center
➡ Phone: 727-825-0442
➡ Website: www.daystarlife.com
➡ Location: 1055 28th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Emergency and monthly distributions of food, produce, personal hygiene items, and clothes. Walk-ups accepted. ID or Social Security Number required for service. Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri from 9AM – 3PM.
Dunedin Cares
➡ Phone: 727-410-8495
➡ Website: www.dunedincares.org
➡ Location: 1630 Pinehurst Rd., Dunedin
➡ Services: Food distributed to residents of 34798 and surrounding zip codes. ID required - must show residency in Dunedin, Clearwater, or Palm Harbor. Mon, Tues, and Thurs, 5:30pm – 7pm; Fri, 9:30am – 12pm.
Feeding Pinellas Empowerment Center Food Pantry
➡ Phone: 813-710-6269
➡ Website: www.feedingtampabay.org/feeding-pinellas/feeding-pinellas-empowerment-center
➡ Location: 6330 54th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33709 (Northwest Church)
➡ Services: Lunches Mon – Fri 11:30pm – 12:30pm, Food Pantry Tues, Thurs and Fridays, 12:45pm – 4:30pm. Guests can attend once/week. 1st time guests must complete paperwork. Referrals for other services available. Text FTBFYI to 833-530-3663.
F.E.A.S.T. Inc.
➡ Phone: 727-789-5275
➡ Website: https://feastfoodpantry.org/get-help/
➡ Location: 2255 Nebraska Ave., Palm Harbor
➡ Services: Food and personal care items; https://feastforall.org/events
Florida Dream Center
➡ Phone: 727-851-9074
➡ Website: www.floridadreamcenter.org
➡ Location: 4017 56th Ave N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Emergency food boxes, clothing, and hygiene items for walk-ins. Case management available. Tues – Fri, 9am – 12pm. View events at www.FloridaDreamCenter.org/events.
Gulf Coast Family Support Services (GCJFCS) - William & Sally Israel Food Pantry
➡ Phone: 727-479-1800
➡ Website: www.gulfcoastjewishfamilyandcommunityservices.org
➡ Location: 14041 Icot Blvd., Clearwater
➡ Services: Nonperishable foods for clients of GCJFCS and others through case manager or program staff referrals. Monday – Friday from 9AM – 4PM.
Helping Hands Food Pantry
➡ Phone: 727-724-1290
➡ Website: www.countrysidecares.com
➡ Services: Mobile Food Truck serves as a drive-thru pantry at varying locations in the Clearwater, Safety Harbor and Highpoint neighborhoods. Produce, breads/sweets, frozen meats, and non-perishable foods available. For an up-to-date schedule, visit www.facebook.com/CountrysideCares. Life Skills development available for individuals frequently using pantry.
Hope Villages of America – Food Bank (formerly RCS)
➡ Phone: 727-443-4031
➡ Website: www.hopevillagesofamerica.org/help/#food
➡ Location: 700 Druid Rd., Clearwater
➡ Services: Food pickup once/month. Drive-thru and walk-up service. Photo ID and proof of mailing address required for 1st time guests. Must live north of Ulmerton Rd. Mon – Fri, 12:30pm – 3:30pm; Thurs, 12:30pm – 6:30pm.
Hope Villages of America – The Express Center
➡ Phone: 727-584-3528
➡ Website: www.hopevillagesofamerica.org
➡ Location: 1048 22nd St. South, Room 103, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Food, hygiene products, referrals, job training/placement, vouchers for clothing/furniture, benefit assistance. Mon and Weds, 9am – 1pm.
Mattie Williams Neighborhood Family Center
➡ Phone: 727-791-8255
➡ Website: www.mwnfc.org
➡ Location: 1003 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. N, Safety Harbor
➡ Services: For residents of zip codes 34695, 34677, 33761, and 33759: Once/week food pantry w/photo ID and proof of residency, such as utility bill. Thurs 9AM-11AM or 5PM-6PM. All other zip codes: 1 time, emergency food distribution any time. Clothing and hygiene products available. Mon - Weds 8:30AM-5PM; Thurs 8:30AM- 6PM; Fri 8:30AM- 12PM.
Mercy Keepers
➡ Phone: 727-823-8795
➡ Website: www.mercykeepersinc.com
➡ Location: 2021 9th Ave. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Food and clothing distributed to low-income Pinellas County residents. Drive thru and walk-ups, Tues and Thurs, 10am – 1pm. Clothing distribution on Sat 9am - 12pm at 820 20th St. S, St. Petersburg.
Metro Inclusive Health
➡ Phone: 727-321-3854
➡ Website: www.metrotampabay.org
➡ Location: 11201 Corporate Cir. N, Ste. 140, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Vouchers for food pantry available to eligible clients. Walk-ups accepted, but phone calls are recommended.
Northside Baptist Church
➡ Phone: 727-329-9179
➡ Website: www.nbcstpete.com
➡ Location: 6000 38th Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Clothing for food pantry guests. ID required for adults, birth certificate for children. Weds 6pm – 8pm and Fri 10am – 12pm.
Oldsmar Cares
➡ Phone: 813-415-7373
➡ Website: www.oldsmarcares.org
➡ Location: 149 State Rd. 580 W, Oldsmar
➡ Services: Food pantry and clothing for clients who live in 34677, 34695, 34684, or 33635. Walk-ins welcome, once/month. Tue., Thurs, Fri, and Sat 9am – 12pm; Mon and Weds 5:30pm – 7pm.
People That Love Mission
➡ Phone: 727-820-0775
➡ Website: www.peoplethatlove.com
➡ Location: 817 5th Ave. N., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Nonperishable food; rummage table with clothing; brown bag lunches daily; bread, cakes as available. Must bring ID and proof of dependents. Mon – Fri, 10:45am – 2:00pm.
Eleos Wellness (formerly Personal Enrichment through Mental Health Services - “PEMHS”)
➡ Phone: 727-545-6477
➡ Website: www.pemhs.org
➡ Location: 1614 Palm Way, Largo
➡ Services: Nonperishable food, diapers, and wipes Monday – Friday, 10AM – 4PM.
Positive Impact Ministries
➡ Phone: 727-865-8292
➡ Website: PositiveImpact.org
➡ Location: Tangerine Plaza, 1770 22nd Street S., St. Petersburg, 33712
➡ Services: Free weekly drive-thru grocery distribution. Walk-up line available for those without transportation only. Sat, 9:30am – 12pm. No registration required.
Reach St. Pete Mobile Pop-Up Pantry
➡ Phone: 727-275-8655
➡ Website: www.ReachStPete.org
➡ Locations:
11:30AM-12:30PM: Enoch Davis Center, 1111 18th Ave. S., St. Pete.
12:45PM-1:30PM: Campbell Park Rec Center, 604 14th St. S., St. Pete.
3:30PM-4:30PM: Pinellas Hope, 5726 126th Ave. N., Clearwater.
5:30PM-6PM: Northside Baptist Church, 6000 38th Ave. N., St. Pete.
➡ Services: Mobile food pantry held on the 2nd and 4th Thurs. of every month. No eligibility requirements. View schedule on website www.ReachStPete.org. If unable to meet mobile pantry, call for help.
Salvation Army – Clearwater & Upper Pinellas County
➡ Phone: 727-446-4177
➡ Website: www.salvationarmyflorida.org/clearwater
➡ Location: 1521 Druid Rd. E, Clearwater
➡ Services: Nonperishable food for residents of Belleair, Clearwater, Dunedin, Oldsmar, Palm Harbor, Safety Harbor, Tarpon Springs, 33770, 33771, 33774, 33779. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 9AM-11:45AM and 1PM-3:30PM
Salvation Army – St. Petersburg & South Pinellas County
➡ Phone: 727-822-4954 ext. 221
➡ Website: https://SalvationArmyFlorida.org/StPetersburg
➡ Location: 1400 4th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Food pantry for families and individuals with ID and proof of address. Clothing voucher once/6 months with ID. Mon – Fri 9:30AM – 11:30AM.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul South Pinellas
➡ Phone: 844-727-HOPE (4673)
➡ Website: www.svdpsp.org
➡ Location: 384 15th St. N. St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Food and clothing vouchers; may help with utilities. Wednesday, and Friday from 9:30AM-11:30AM. A food pantry, located on the backside of the Food Center, is open to all Pinellas residents needing food assistance. Proof of Pinellas residency including an ID or utility bill must be shown.
St. Petersburg Free Clinic – We Help Services
➡ Phone: 727-821-1200
➡ Website: www.stpetersburgfreeclinic.org
➡ Location: 863 3rd Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Provides 3-5 days of fresh food. Walk and bike-up accepted at separate station near 3rd Ave N. entrance. If in carline, enter carline heading north on 8th St. N. and turn left onto 3rd Ave N, and empty trunk of vehicle before arrival to make room for food items. Photo ID and proof of residency required. Monday-Wednesday 8:30AM – 3PM; Thursday 8:30AM - 7PM; closed Friday-Sunday.
Southern Supportive Services
➡ Phone: 727-642-5143
➡ Website: https://southernsupportiveservices.org/
➡ Location: 1655 16th St. S, St. Petersburg (Food Pantry)
➡ Services: Food pantry Mon, Weds, and Fri, 10am – 2pm.
Tarpon Springs Shepherd Center
➡ Phone: 727-939-1400
➡ Website: www.tscenter.org
➡ Location: 304 Pinellas Ave. S, Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Food and clothing provided to persons in the Tarpon Springs area. Books, toys, and miscellaneous household items and furniture are also available. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 10AM to 1:30 PM. Enter pantry on W. Boyer St.
The Burg Community Table
➡ Website: www.facebook.com/theburgcommunitytable
➡ Locations: Vary throughout St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Adult clothing, toiletries, miscellaneous items, and meals available Sundays from 11AM – 3PM. See website for locations.
Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Petersburg ➡ Phone: 727-898-3294
➡ Website: www.uustpete.org
➡ Location: 100 Mirror Lake Dr. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Clothing, toiletries, and miscellaneous items available at the cottage during Sunset Supper Fridays at 5PM; food served from 6PM to 7PM every Friday.
Area Agency on Aging – Elder Helpline ➡ Phones: 800-963-5337 or 727-570-9696 ➡ Website: https://elderaffairs.org/ ➡ Location: 9549 Koger Blvd., Ste. 100, Gadsden Bldg., St. Petersburg ➡ Services: Free and low-cost transportation, home delivered meals, home safety services, community engagement, legal assistance, mental and physical health services, caregiver resources.
Gulf Coast Jewish Family & Community Services (JFCS) ➡ Phone: 727-479-1880 ➡ Website: https://gulfcoastjewishfamilyandcommunityservices.org/ ➡ CHATS Service: 727-450-7278 ➡ Location: 14041 Icot Blvd., Clearwater ➡ Services: Case management, personal care, respite, substance use prevention and intervention services, companionship via phone (CHATS).
Pinellas Opportunity Council - Chore Service ➡ Phone: 727-327-3091 ➡ Website: https://poc-inc.org/chore-services-program/ ➡ Services: Chore services program for frail residents over 60 to maintain independent living environments.
Pinellas Opportunity Council - Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) ➡ EHEAP St Petersburg: 727-821-0584 ➡ EHEAP Largo: 727-202-6803 ➡ Website: https://poc-inc.org/emergency-home-energy-assistance-program/ ➡ Services: Provides financial assistance to low-income households with at least one member 60 years of age or older experiencing a heating or cooling emergency. The program allows for the payment to utility companies, purchase of blankets, portable heaters and fans, and will also repair existing heating or cooling equipment up to $5,000.
Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) – Senior Special Citizen Program ➡ Website: https://www.psta.net/programs/seniorsdisabled/ ➡ Reduced Fare: $1.10 with PSTA Special Citizen Photo ID or government-issued photo ID. ➡ Service: Allows seniors to ride PSTA’s regular bus routes for a reduced fare.
Family Resources – Safe Connections Resource Center
➡ Phone: 727-552-1013
➡ Website: www.familyresourcesinc.org
➡ Location: 3831 5th Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Shower and laundry services for youth and young adults ages 16 – 24.
Hope Center at The Tarpon Springs Shepherd Center
➡ Phone: 727-939-1400 ext. 417
➡ Website: www.tscenter.org
➡ Location: 304 Pinellas Ave. S, Tarpon Springs
➡ Services: Showers available Mon-Fri, 10AM-2PM; 1st come, 1st served. Laundry available by appointment ; full load capacity; soaps provided.
Laundry Love, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
➡ Email: laundrylove@holytrinityclw.org
➡ Website: www.holytrinityclw.org/connect ➡ Location: Happy Bubbles Laundromat, 412 S Missouri Ave., Clearwater
➡ Service: Free laundry services on the 1st Wed of every month from 4PM-7PM.
Laundry Love, Episcopal Church of the Ascension ➡ Phone: office@churchofascension.org
➡ Location: Happy Bubbles Laundromat, 412 S Missouri Ave., Clearwater
➡ Service: Free laundry services on the 3rd Wed of every month from 4PM-7PM.
ShowerUp Tampa Bay
➡ Phone: 888-210-0777 ➡ Website: www.ShoweredAndEmpowered.com
➡ Services: Shower services anyone experiencing homelessness. Call or text for more information. For schedule, visit https://showerup.org/tampabay.
St. Vincent de Paul – C.A.R.E. Center
➡ Phone: 727-823-2516
➡ Website: www.SVDPSP.org
➡ Location: 384 15th St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Shower services available Mon–Fri, 12PM–2PM.
St. Vincent de Paul Community Kitchen & Resource Center
➡ Phone: 727-441-3790
➡ Website: www.svdpclearwaterfl.org
➡ Location: 1345 Park St., Clearwater
➡ Services: Shower with soap and towels; laundry facilities. Mon-Fri, 7AM-9:30AM.
Southern Supportive Services
➡ Phone: 727-642-5143
➡ Website: https://southernsupportiveservices.org/
➡ Location: 1655 16th St. S, St. Petersburg (Food Pantry)
➡ Services: Showers, laundry, hygiene items, and bathrooms 9:30am – 5:30pm.
The Missio Dei Laundry Love
➡ Phone: 727-642-5143
➡ Website: https://www.themissiodei.com/laundry-love/
➡ Location: 1730 4th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Laundry service at 6:30pm on the last Mon of every month. Visit https://www.themissiodei.com/ for more information.
ACCESS (Automated Community Connection to Economic Self Sufficiency)
➡ Website: www.myflorida.com/accessflorida
➡ Services: ACCESS Florida system allows customers to connect with their public assistance information 24/7
Department of Children and Families, Pinellas County
➡ Phone: 1-866-762-2237
➡ Website: www.myflfamilies.com/contact-us/region/circuit-6.shtml
➡ Location: 11351 Ulmerton Rd., Ste. 130, Largo
➡ Services: Nutrition assistance for eligible, low-income individuals and families.
Department of Health (DOH) Pinellas Locations
➡ Website: https://pinellas.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/clinical-and-nutrition-services
➡ Phone and Locations:
310 N. Myrtle Ave., Clearwater, 727-469-5800
8751 Ulmerton Rd., Largo, 727-524-4410
6350 76th Ave. N, Pinellas Park, 727-547-7780
205 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. N, St. Petersburg, 727-824-6900
301 S. Disston Ave., Tarpon Springs, 727-942-5457
➡ Services: Nutrition program and health/service referrals for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum adults / kids under 6.
24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline (CASA)
➡ Phone: 727-895-4912
➡ Website: www.CASAPinellas.org/chat
➡ Services: Help preparing a safety plan. Resources provided to survivors, families, and friends. 24/7 online chat: www.CASAPinellas.org/chat
24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline (Hope Villages of America)
➡ Phone: 727-442-4128
➡ Website: www.hopevillagesofamerica.org/help
➡ Services: Help preparing a safe exit plan.
24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline
➡ Phone: 800-799-SAFE (7233)
➡ Website: www.TheHotline.org
➡ Services: Safety planning for survivors, friends, and family. 24/7 online chat: www.TheHotline.org.
24/7 National Runaway Safeline
➡ Phone: 1-800-RUNAWAY (786-2929)
➡ Website: www.1800runaway.org
➡ Services: Help, guidance, and resources. Online chat: www.1800runaway.org.
24/7 RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline
➡ Phone: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
➡ Website: www.rainn.org
➡ Services: Support including medical care and local resources; information about local laws; referrals for long-term support. 24/7 chat: www.rainn.org.
Bay Area Legal Services
➡ Website: www.bals.org
➡ Phone and Locations:
800 Drew St., Clearwater: 727-490-4040 ext.202
4948 Central Ave., St. Petersburg: 727-490-4040
➡ Services: Legal assistance for low-income persons for civil cases like domestic violence and family law.
Community Action Stops Abuse (CASA)
➡ Phones: 727-895-4912
24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 727-895-4912
TTY: 727-828-1269
➡ Website: www.CASAPinellas.org
➡ Location: 1011 1st Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Shelter, preventative, emergency, restorative support (including housing) available for survivors of domestic violence (adults, families, and pets). 24-hour online chat: www.CASAPinellas.org/chat.
Community Law Program
➡ Phone: 727-582-7480
➡ Website: www.lawprogram.org
➡ Location: 501 1st Ave. N, Suite 519, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Support for survivors of domestic violence and abuse, including advice and counsel on a variety of legal issues.
Gulfcoast Legal Services
➡ Phone: 727-821-0726
➡ Website: www.gulfcoastlegal.org
➡ Location: 501 1st Ave. N., Ste. 420, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Provides legal assistance to low-income persons for civil cases including emergency services, domestic violence, family law, elder law/senior services, and immigration, and human trafficking.
Hope Villages of America – The Haven
➡ Phone: 727-442-4128
➡ Website: www.hopevillagesofamerica.org/help/#domestic
➡ Services: Services and shelter for survivors of domestic violence, including an Emergency Safe House, case management, job readiness, and more. Employment and participation in weekly life skills classes required.
Hope Villages of America – The Express Center
➡ Phone: 727-584-3528
➡ Website: www.hopevillagesofamerica.org
➡ Location: 1048 22nd St. South, Room 103, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Support related to domestic violence, hunger, homelessness, and basic needs. Services include resume building, readiness training, job placement, service referrals, and more. Mon and Weds, 9am – 1pm.
Love Is Respect
➡ Phone: 1-866-331-9474
➡ Website: www.LoveIsRespect.org
➡ Services: Education, support, and resources to disrupt and prevent unhealthy relationships and violence for young people. Call, text “LOVEIS” to 22522, or chat online 24/7: www.LoveIsRespect.org.
Suncoast Center – Children’s Advocacy Center
➡ Phone: 727-388-1220
➡ Website: www.suncoastcenter.org/children-s-advocacy-services
➡ Services: Provides advocacy, support, and behavioral health services. Trauma services & sexual assault center.
Suncoast Center Sexual Assault Center/Helpline
➡ Phone: 727-530-7273
➡ Website: www.suncoastcenter.org/sexual-assault-services
➡ Location: 2960 Roosevelt Blvd., Clearwater (exam location)
➡ Services: 24/7 Sexual Assault Helpline. Free services for survivors of sexual assault, including Sexual Assault Victim Examination, immediate medical attention, aftercare follow-up, advocacy and accompaniment, support group, legal advocacy, temporary shelters, and counseling.
Bay Area Pregnancy Center
➡ Website: www.MyBAPC.com
➡ Phone and Locations:
1940 Drew St., Ste. 6, Clearwater, 727-449-1988
5812 150th Ave., Clearwater (Highpoint Neighborhood Family Center), 727-200-9165
4000 43rd St. N., St. Petersburg, 727-200-9166
➡ Services: Bus passes for mothers who are expecting or have children under 5.
Daystar Life Center
➡ Phone: 727-825-0442
➡ Website: www.daystarlife.com
➡ Location: 1055 28th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Assistance with gasoline vouchers; bus passes for work and scheduled job interview/appointments.
Northwest Church
➡ Phone: 727-544-4551
➡ Website: www.nwpchurchfl.com
➡ Location: 6330 54th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33709
➡ Services: Bicycles available for people experiencing homelessness. Limit 1/year. Mon and Weds, 8am – 11am. Bikes will be registered with St. Pete Police Department.
St. Petersburg Free Clinic – We Help Services
➡ Phone: 727-823-1200 ext. 101
➡ Website: www.stpetersburgfreeclinic.org
➡ Location: 863 3rd Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Transportation assistance for a variety of needs, appointment required. Email: client.advocate@thespfc.org
Pinellas Suncoast Transit (PSTA)
➡ Phones: 727-540-1800
DART: 727-540-1888
➡ Website: www.psta.net
➡ Location: 3201 Scherer Dr., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Demand Response Transportation (DART) PSTA Access is for those unable to use the regular PSTA buses due to a disability. Pinellas Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Program offers reduced cost transportation throughout county to qualified residents. Veterans Pass provides free transportation on fixed routes for Veterans enrolled at a PSTA Customer Service Center. Pinellas County Schools U-Pass gives free transportation to Pinellas County School students and staff with valid school ID.
24/7 VA Call Center for Homeless Veterans
➡ Phone: 877-4AID-VET (424-3838)
➡ Website: www.va.gov/homeless
➡ Services: Veterans who are or are at risk of homelessness can call to or chat online with trained counselors at www.va.gov/homeless. Friends and family may also call on behalf of Veteran.
24/7 Veterans Crisis Line
➡ Phone: 988 (press 1) or Text 838255
➡ Website: www.VeteransCrisisLine.net
➡ Services: Serves Veterans, service members, National Guard and Reserve members, and Veteran families. Enrollment in VA benefits or health care is not required to connect.
Bay Pines VA Healthcare System
➡ Phone: 727-398-6661
➡ Website: www.va.gov/bay-pines-health-care/
➡ Location: 10000 Bay Pines Blvd., Bay Pines
➡ Services: Assists Veterans with medical and dental care; legal, food, clothing, and employment resources; homelessness services; and counseling.
Bay Pines VA Mental Health Services
➡ Phone: 727-398-6661 ext. 14680
➡ Website: www.va.gov/bay-pines-health-care/health-services/mental-health-care/
➡ Location: 10000 Bay Pines Blvd., Bay Pines
➡ Services: Mental health services for Veterans.
Boley Centers
➡ Phone: 727-821-4819
➡ Website: www.boleycenters.org
➡ Location: 445 31st St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Assists with homelessness, counseling, case management, employment help through Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) for veterans homeless within 60 days. Transitional Housing for Veterans.
CareerSource Pinellas
➡ Phone: 727-524-4344
➡ Website: www.CareerSourcePinellas.com
➡ Locations: Walk-In centers throughout Pinellas County
682 E Klosterman Rd., Tarpon Springs
2312 Gulf to Bay Blvd., Clearwater
5175 45th St. N, St. Petersburg
3420 8th Ave. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Helps Veterans find employment; provides workforce development and skills training, coaching, and resources for on-the-job success.
Clearwater VA Center
➡ Phone: 727-549-3600
➡ Website: www.va.gov/find-locations/facility/vc_0339V
➡ Location: 29259 US Hwy 19 N., Clearwater
➡ Services: Individual and group counseling for Veterans, service members, and families. Also offers grief counseling, referrals and counseling for military sexual trauma and substance abuse, community outreach and education, employment referrals, and VA service referrals.
Florida Veterans Support Line
➡ Phone: 1-844-MYFLVET (693-5838)
➡ Website: www.myflvet.com
➡ Services: Assists Vets and their family members with medical care, housing, counseling, legal, and employment resources.
Homeless Empowerment Program (HEP)
➡ Phone: 727-442-9041 ext. 114
➡ Website: www.HEPEmpowers.org
➡ Location: 1120 N. Betty Lane, Clearwater
➡ Services: Food, clothing, employment, counseling, and other homeless services.
Homeless Leadership Alliance (HLA) – Veteran Services
➡ Phone: 727-244-2016
➡ Website: www.pinellashomeless.org/request-help
➡ Services: Assists with homelessness and helps connects Veterans to resources.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Pinellas County
➡ Phone: 727-826-0807
➡ Website: www.nami-pinellas.org
➡ Services: Assists with trauma and substance abuse counseling.
Pinellas County Veteran Services Office (VSO)
➡ Phones and Locations: 2189 Cleveland St., Suite 263, Clearwater - 727-464-8460 501 1st Ave. N, Ste. 514, St. Petersburg - 727-582-7828
➡ Website: www.pinellascounty.org/veterans
➡ Services: Assists with disability and claims support; Appointments preferred. Monday – Friday from 8:00AM – 5:00PM.
Pinellas Suncoast Transit (PSTA)
➡ Phones: 727-540-1800
➡ Website: www.psta.net/programs/veterans
➡ Location: 3201 Scherer Dr., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Veterans Pass provides free transportation on fixed routes for enrolled Veterans. To receive a Veterans Pass, individuals must present ID at a PSTA Customer Service Center; this pass must be renewed at a Customer Service Center monthly.
Project: Vet Relief Emergency Assistance ➡ Phones: 407-270-9204
➡ Website: www.ProjectVetRelief.org
➡ Services: Financial assistance for active-duty military, Veterans, and families for shelter, food, utilities, some emergency transportation, and critical health expenses. Must be a Florida resident. Request assistance at https://ProjectVetRelief.org/emergency-assistance-request.
St. Petersburg VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic
➡ Phone: 727-502-1700
➡ Website: https://www.va.gov/bay-pines-health-care/locations/st-petersburg-va-clinic/
➡ Location: 840 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Clinic healthcare for Veterans.
ServiceSource Florida– Warrior Bridge
➡ Phone: 727-538-7370
➡ Website: www.servicesource.org/warrior-bridge
➡ Location: 2735 Whitney Road, Clearwater
➡ Services: Assists disabled Veterans with employment and resource navigation. Financial assistance for certifications, training, etc. may be available. Florida Veterans Mall provides household items, clothing, and other necessities for wounded Veterans transitioning from homelessness to apartments in the community.
St. Vincent de Paul
➡ Phone: 727-823-2516 ext. 101
➡ Website: www.svdpsp.org
➡ Location: 384 15th St. N. St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Provides Supportive Services for Veterans and Veteran Families, including housing, case management, and more.
VA Debt Management Center
➡ Phone: 1-800-827-0648
➡ Website: www.va.gov/manage-va-debt
➡ Services: Check the status of debt related to VA disability compensation, non-service-connected pension, or education benefits. E-Benefits: www.EBenefits.VA.gov.
VA General Info Hotline
➡ Phone: 1-800-698-2411
➡ Website: www.va.gov
➡ Services: Answers to questions about VA benefits and services.
VA General Info Hotline for Women
➡ Phone: 1-855-VA-WOMEN (829-6636)
➡ Website: https://www.womenshealth.va.gov/wvcc.asp
➡ Services: Answers to questions about VA benefits and services.
VA Transitional Assistance Program (TAP)
➡ Website: www.benefits.va.gov/TAP
➡ Services: Provides support to service members transitioning to civilian life and their families.
VA Vet Center
➡ Phone: 727-549-3600
➡ Website: www.va.gov/bay-pines-health-care/locations
➡ Location: 29259 US Hwy 19 N., Clearwater
➡ Services: Grief and family counseling and substance abuse services. Mon 8AM-4:30PM, Tues – Weds 8AM-7:30PM, and Thurs – Fri 8AM-4:30PM.
VA Vet Center
➡ Phone: 727-549-3633
➡ Website: www.va.gov/find-locations/facility/vc_0301V
➡ Location: 6798 Crosswinds Dr. N. Building A, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Grief, family, and substance abuse counseling. Mon-Fri 8AM-4:30PM.
Veteran Employment Program Office
➡ Website: www.VAForVets.va.gov
➡ Services: Helps Veterans and transitioning Military Service Members find federal careers. Offers Military skills translator, resume builder, and federal job search functions. Website: www.VAForVets.va.gov Email: VESOVets@va.gov.
Veterans Health Administration
➡ Phone: 877-222-VETS (8387)
➡ Website: www.va.gov/HealthBenefits
➡ Services: Healthcare benefits or questions: www.va.gov/HealthBenefits.
Veterans Benefits Administration - Vocational Rehab and Employment (VR&E) Program
➡ Website: www.benefits.va.gov/VocRehab
➡ Services: Job training, employment accommodations, resume development, job seeking skills coaching, business startup assistance, and independent living services at www.benefits.va.gov/VocRehab.
Veterans Benefits Administration - Education and Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits
➡ Phone: 888-GIBill-1 (442-4551)
➡ Website: www.benefits.va.gov/gibill
➡ Services: Higher education tuition, housing, and stipends for Veterans, service members, or their dependents. Must have served at least 90 days on active duty after 9/10/2001 to be eligible.
Veterans Benefits Administration - Pension
➡ Website: www.benefits.va.gov/pension
➡ Services: Pension benefits descriptions, eligibility, and application forms are available online at www.benefits.va.gov/pension.
24/7 National Runaway Safeline
➡ Phone: 1-800-RUNAWAY (786-2929)
➡ Website: www.1800runaway.org
➡ Services: Help, guidance, and resources. Online chat: www.1800runaway.org.
Alpha House
➡ Phone: 727-822-8190
➡ Website: www.alphahousepinellas.org
➡ Locations: 701 5th Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Transitional housing for homeless women and teens who are pregnant or have an infant under one year old. Job skills, education and parenting skills provided for residents. One parent and one child only.
Boley Centers Youth Employment Programs
➡ Phone: 1-855-552-6539
➡ Website: www.boleycenters.org
➡ Location: 445 31st St. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Helps youth 15-21 seeking employment and internships.
Brookwood Florida
➡ Phone: 1-855-552-6539
➡ Website: www.brookwoodflorida.org
➡ Location: 901 7th Ave S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Licensed group home with therapeutic services for girls ages 13-18.
Camelot Community Care
➡ Phone: 727-593-0003
➡ Website: www.camelotcommunitycare.org
➡ Location: 4910-D Creekside Dr., Clearwater
➡ Services: Tampa Bay Youth Outreach, case management, independent living, behavioral assessments, in-home counseling, juvenile justice diversion, family therapy and preservation, foster recruitment, adoption support.
Community Law Program – Lawyers for Young Adults
➡ Phone: 727-582-7480
➡ Website: https://lawprogram.org/lawyers-for-young-adults-project/
➡ Location: 501 1st Ave. N, Suite 519, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Assists young adults who aged out of foster care or who are in extended foster care and who need help obtaining or appealing the denial of independent living (IL benefits) and/or who have other civil legal needs that would aid them in maintaining self-sufficiency.
Clothes To Kids
➡ Phone: 727-441-5050
➡ Website: www.ClothesToKids.org
➡ Locations:
1059 N. Hercules Ave., Clearwater
2168 34th St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: New and quality used clothing, including school uniforms, to Pinellas low-income or in-crisis, school-age children (grades K-12) with proof of eligibility. Clothing pickup allowed twice per year. Curbside pickup available. Call or go online for appointment: www.ClothesToKids.org.
Family Resources Youth and Family Counseling
➡ Website: www.familyresourcesinc.org
➡ Phone and Locations:
1615 Union St., Clearwater: 727-298-3900
3831 5th Ave. N, St. Petersburg: 727-552-1010
➡ Services: Individual and family counseling for youth, ages 6-17. Free for most families. Call for an appointment.
Family Resources – Safe Connections Resource Center
➡ Phone: 727-552-1013
➡ Website: www.familyresourcesinc.org
➡ Location: 3831 5th Ave. N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Resource center is a safe space for youth and young adults ages 16-24 to access food, clothing, showers, laundry, computers, Wi-Fi, life skills education, and referrals to supportive services.
Family Resources SafePlace2B – Teens
➡ Website: https://FamilyResourcesInc.org/shelters
➡ Phone and Locations:
1615 Union St., Clearwater: 727-298-1607
3761 5th Ave. N, St. Petersburg: 727-893-1893
➡ Services: Short-term residential care and counseling for homeless and runaway youth, as well as respite and intervention to families in crisis. Follow-up counseling and stable living placement assistance provided. Walk-ins accepted; parents may call for screenings. Serves youth ages 10 - 17.
Family Resources – S.N.A.P (Stop, Now, And Plan)
➡ Phone: 727-298-3900
➡ Website: www.familyresourcesinc.org
➡ Services: A 13-week group program that helps children ages 6-11 and their parents learn how to effectively manage their emotions and keep problems small. The primary goal of SNAP is to help children to stop and think before they act, empowering them for improved family relationships, positive social interactions, and success in school. Free childcare for siblings and meals are provided each week.
Family Resources – Street Outreach
➡ Phone: 727-220-9246
➡ Website: www.familyresourcesinc.org
➡ Services: Provides basic survival aid and housing referrals for homeless and unaccompanied youth. Email info@family-reources.org for info.
Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Transition Youth Program
➡ Phone: 727-552-1589
➡ Website: www.rehabworks.org/stw.shtml
➡ Location: 11351 Ulmerton Rd. #123, Largo
➡ Services: Help for students with disabilities (ages 14-21) train for a job, continue their education, or find a job after high school. Provides medical and psychological assessments, career/vocation planning, training, job placement, coaching, and assistive technology devices.
Florida Dream Center
➡ Phone: 727-851-9074
➡ Website: www.floridadreamcenter.org
➡ Location: 4017 56th Ave N, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Case management and advocacy. Assistance with benefits, housing search, healthcare registration, and IDs; referrals for mental health, vocational rehab, legal aid, etc.; food, clothing, and basic needs; job training. Emergency walk-in assistance Tues – Thurs from 9AM – 12PM.
Love Is Respect
➡ Phone: 1-866-331-9471
➡ Website: www.LoveIsRespect.org
➡ Services: Empowering young people through inclusive and equitable education, support, and resources to disrupt and prevent unhealthy relationships and intimate partner violence. Call, text “LOVEIS” to 22522, or chat online 24/7: www.LoveIsRespect.org.
Metro Inclusive Health
➡ Website: www.metrotampabay.org
➡ Phone and Locations:
2349 Sunset Point Rd. #405, Clearwater, 727-220-0550
3251 3rd Ave N, St. Petersburg, 727-321-3854
➡ Services: METRO offers social groups, activities, healthcare, prevention, supportive services, and counseling for LGBTQ+ youth.
Operation PAR – Largo Campus
➡ Phone: 1-888-727-6398
➡ Website: www.operationpar.org
➡ Location: 13800 66th St. N., Largo
➡ Services: Prevention life skills for middle and high school students. Outpatient and residential treatment for drug and alcohol use.
Eleos Wellness (formerly Personal Enrichment through Mental Health Services - “PEMHS”)
➡ Phones: 727-545-6477
24-Hour Suicide Hotline: 727-791-3131
24-Hour Mental Health Assistance: 727-541-4628
Mobile Crisis Response Team: 727-362-4424
➡ Website: www.pemhs.org
➡ Location: 11254 58th St. N, Pinellas Park
➡ Services: Provides immediate evaluation during a mental health crisis, 24/7: suicide and crisis telephone response, emergency screenings by phone, telemedicine, and face-to-face appointments. Crisis hospitalization is available for those in need of inpatient services. Also provides emergency walk-in and Baker Act screenings, outreach and follow-up services, lethality assessment and rescue services, community education, and arranges for medical clearance on consumers from medical hospitals.
Pinellas County Job Corps Center
➡ Phones: 727-551-2900 or 1-800-733-5627
➡ Website: www.pinellascounty.jobcorps.gov
➡ Location: 500 22nd St. S, St. Petersburg
➡ Services: No-cost education and career technical program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. Teaches eligible young people ages 16-24 skills to be employable and independent and places them in meaningful jobs or further education. Dorms available.
Pinellas County Schools E-Learning Coaching
➡ Phone: 727-588-4816 ext. 2141
➡ Website: https://bit.ly/PCSFamilyELearning
➡ Services: Free, computer technology service, and education; assistance with
Wi-Fi connections, email, and programs designed to help students at Pinellas County Schools. For assistance, submit an E-Learning technology support request at https://bit.ly/PCSFamilyELearning.
Pinellas County Schools HEAT Program
➡ Phone: 727- 507-4766
➡ Website: www.pcsb.org/Page/1579
➡ Location: 3815 43rd St. N., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Helps Pinellas County families with children and youth enrolled in Pinellas County Schools who are experiencing homelessness with school enrollment, support, removal of barriers in school, and transportation if displaced outside of school zone. HEAT representatives are at all schools, including charter schools.
Pinellas Suncoast Transit (PSTA)
➡ Phones: 727-540-1800
DART: 727-540-1888
➡ Website: www.psta.net
➡ Location: 3201 Scherer Dr., St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Pinellas County Schools U-Pass gives free transportation on any route to Pinellas County School students and staff with valid school ID. Demand Response Transportation (DART) PSTA Access is for those unable to use the regular PSTA buses due to a disability. Pinellas Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Program offers reduced cost transportation throughout county to qualified residents.
Ready for Life
➡ Phone: 727- 954-3989
➡ Website: www.readyforlifepinellas.org
➡ Location: 2300 Tall Pines Dr. #100, Largo
➡ Services: Pinellas County youth ages 15 – 25 who are in foster care or have already transitioned out and are on their own. RFL provides training in life skills, fills in learning gaps, and removes barriers to self-sufficiency.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul South Pinellas
➡ Phone: 727-823-2516
➡ Website: www.svdpsp.org
➡ Location: 384 15th St. N. St. Petersburg
➡ Services: Food and clothing vouchers. May provide help with utility payment. Shelter and housing available for Youth ages 18-24, Veterans, and families ages 18+. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9AM- 12PM.
Suncoast Center – Children’s Advocacy Center
➡ Phone: 727-388-1220
➡ Website: www.suncoastcenter.org/children-s-advocacy-services
➡ Services: Provides advocacy, support, and behavioral health services. Trauma services & sexual assault center.
Youth Connect
➡ Phones:
North County - Pinellas Technical College, Clearwater: 727-420-9532
South County - Pinellas Technical College, St. Petersburg: 727-470-7565
North/South County, GED: 727-400-1462
➡ Website: www/pinellaseducation.org/initiatives/multiple-pathways/youth-connect
➡ Services: Services and resources to help qualified youth under age 25 complete educational and training programs, and transition into employment. No-cost program services may include help with educational costs, alternative education, career counseling, job placement.
Youth Improvement Services
➡ Phone: 727-201-0724
➡ Website: www.YouthImprovement.org
➡ Services: Emergency housing focused on LGBTQ+ youth, immigrant youth, and minority youth 18 to 24 years old who are experiencing homelessness. The programs provide safe and secure shelter, life skills training, workforce readiness training, and financial literacy training. Visit www.YouthImprovement.org to apply for assistance.