This meeting will launch the Pinellas Continuum of Care (CoC)’s Lived Experience Advisory Committee (LEAC) and Youth Action Board (YAB). Members of these committees include individuals (adults and youths) who have experienced homelessness in Pinellas County within the last 7 years. These committee meetings will serve as opportunities to ensure that the CoC’s services, programs, and priorities align with the needs of our community. Food, bus passes, and other services will be available for meeting participants.
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Largo Public Library, Jenkins Room B
Address: 120 Central Park Dr., Largo
Additional Information: Food, bus passes, and other resources will be available for meeting participants
RSVP: (registration is not required, though attendance is limited to 40; case managers may register attendees)
About the Lived Experience Advisory Committee: The Lived Experience Advisory Committee (LEAC) includes individuals who have experienced homelessness in Pinellas County within the last 7 years. This group of experts advise CoC Board of Directors on the concerns of, services for, and suggested actions for those experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.
About the Youth Action Board: The Youth Action Board (YAB) includes youths (24 and younger) who have experienced homelessness in Pinellas County within the last 7 years. This young group of experts provides similar insights as the Lived Experience Advisory Committee, but with a focus on youth services in Pinellas County.