Members of the Pinellas Continuum of Care (CoC) will meet on November 4, 2022 to elect new members to the CoC’s Board of Directors. Register for this meeting at
Please see below for important meeting information:
Date: Friday, November 4, 2022, 8am – 9am
Location: Allendale United Methodist Church, 3803 Haines Rd. N., St. Petersburg
Members of the public are asked to attend virtually
Election Rules:
Attendance: Members must attend in-person to vote
Quorum: 51% of members (34) must attend in-person for the election to occur
One Membership = One Vote: Organizations may only vote once
Only Primary Members or registered Designees may vote
Members must be in good standing to vote:
Membership applications and dues were received or postmarked by October 21, 2022
Members have attended at least one 2022 CoC membership meeting
Virtual Attendance:
Zoom Link: Click Here
Meeting ID: 875 8593 2132
Passcode: 922570
Please make sure to log on at least 5 minutes before the meeting
If you are deaf/hard of hearing or require the services of an interpreter, please call the Florida Relay Service at 711 as soon as possible. You may also send any commentary or questions prior to the meeting to