Pinellas County Continuum of Care Trainings and Toolkits

Upcoming Trainings

May 20th - Housing First Philosophy Training

May 21st - Being a Better Bystander Training

June 17th - Motivational Interviewing and the Stages of Change Training

The Pinellas Continuum of Care (CoC) and Housing First University will host virtual Motivational Interviewing and the Stages of Change training on Monday, June 17th from 10:00am - 12:00pm. CoC members, providers, and staff are invited to attend this training. Register at

TBD - Trauma Informed Care Training, a 5-Part Series

Session 1: Introduction to Trauma Informed Care: ACEs and PCEs | 90 min Research behind trauma informed care, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and the long term impact that Positive Childhood Experiences can have on a person

Session 2: Applying the Six Principles of Trauma Informed Care | 90min Review the TIC principals and gain a new set of tools to use in a trauma exposed environment

Session 3: A Trauma Informed Approach to Communication | 90min Handling interpersonal reactions in a emotional environment and practicing skills and tools to communicate from a trauma informed lens

Session 4: Compassion Fatigue Strategies | 90min Understand signs of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and burnout, and develop tools to combat these challenges in a trauma-exposed environment

Session 5: Building Resiliency through Mindful Self-Care | 90min Practice multiple mindfulness tools to learn what works best and develop a personalized self-care plan

Self-Paced - DCF ACCESS Training


Click here to view the Pinellas County Continuum of Care’s 2022 Racial Equity Toolkit

For those who were unable to attend our event on April 7, recordings of the meetings are available below:

Click Here First Half of the Presentation and Click Here Second Half of the Presentation

For those unable to attend the Pinellas CoC 2nd Annual Race Equity Virtual Event on June 6, 2022:

Click here to view the meeting recording